Ceyda final feedback

Carolina: Beautiful, congratulations. I wanted to see it larger in scale. …

Angelo: It’s very pretty and cute, but also the problem, that it is pretty and cute. If you want to make art that is deeply impacting people then you have a long way to go. One of the things you should research more – I would like you to research the architecture of NYC and form an opinion of that – shape, form, space – you need to grasp it much better. H ere I here don’t think you grasp it. It might be interesting to bring the real city into this. Little clips, abstracted video, real video – then things become more political – you are a foreigner, who projects the city into your own little world – it becomes interesting. You can work with people or your own experience of the city. Research mapping. Project and the computer knows what is in the space. Online videos of projecting on building and it looks like the building is collapsing. Had a student doing similar, and it raised the level of the work.

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